Monday, July 7, 2008

Current welcomes competition

Well ... is this a first? A newspaper heralding the arrival of competition? Read it here, in the Current.

Not only are they promoting a competing "journal" (it's not a newspaper, nor is it a "gossip sheet") by former columnist Jim Roy, but the editor makes a strange claim on Roy's behalf: This lofty-goaled publication is The Newburyport Liberator, a venture local writer Roy describes as his public service in a city he describes as “not well served by the local media.”

Ummm ... isn't the Current part of the "local media?"

Jim Roy thinks his journal will be like The New Yorker, Newburyport-style. Hmmm, you know? I was talking about something like this, a few months back. Funny how stuff like that happens.

Although I found Roy's columns in the Current to mostly be highly amusing, I don't have $1.50 to spare, so I won't be reading it anytime soon. Unless someone gives me one for free!

OK ... I worked at the Current and I know ... well, let's just say that there is something bizarro going on here. Aside from the normal bizarreness at the Current, that is.


Ari Herzog said...

Your closing thoughts on bizarity made me chuckle.

Oh, and if you make lifestyle changes, you can afford $1.50 a week.

Gillian Swart said...

If I had $1.50 to spare through lifestyle changes (I assume you mean smoking; you couldn't possibly expect me to give up my lattes/cinnamon buns), I'd sponsor a poor starving child in some country that can afford to feed its poor starving children.

Unknown said...

I think the question really is....Is it worth any lifestyle changes? apparently not to some!
again, what is a 'good idea' to some is not necessarily a needed or wanted item to most!
I have never read Roy's written opinion or assembled column, so I cannot decide 'if' I would agree to a 'lifestyle change' to read his opinions or reporting etc.
I'll share my copy with you, after I make judgment on his presentations. If it resembles anything he has said with in my listing range then I hold small hope of becoming a 'regular reader of his work!