Monday, July 21, 2008

Bishops blogging

I was scanning the CNN website and came across this story of people in Italy who continued to sunbathe even though the bodies of 2 young girls who had just drowned lay nearby on the beach.

The story was kind of revolting, but what caught my attention was this sentence:

The incident also attracted condemnation from the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crecenzio Seppe. "Indifference is not an emotion for human beings," Seppe wrote in his parish blog.

Wait ... the Archbishop of Naples has a blog? I stopped reading the story as soon as I read that. It is, apparently, part of the parish website.

A quick Google search later, and I see all kinds of clerical types have blogs. Not so much here in the States, it would seem, but lots of other places.

This, by the way, is one person's characterization of blogging: Most blogs are written by regular folks with strong opinions and a considerable amount of free time.

I don't know why it surprised me that the Archbishop of Naples has a blog, but I can definitely see why the Archbishop of Naples has a blog.

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