Friday, March 6, 2009

This explains everything

As I was driving up Rte. 1 today, and there was the (still) turbine, I was reminded of a conversation I had with someone in the planning office.

We were talking about why the turbine was not spinning, as I reported the other day.

"So much for not being able to see it," I said. "I can see it from Plum Island!"

"I don't believe anyone ever said you wouldn't be able to see it," the person responded.

I then said that there was discussion before ZBA about how the trees would block it from being seen ...

"Well they do block it from being seen from downtown ... because the ridge blocks it from view ..." (or words to that effect).

Oh, so now I see.

It didn't matter who else could see it as long as it couldn't be seen from downtown.

What a joke.


Anonymous said...

I think you're starting to catch on....

Downtown, things'll be great when you're,
Downtown, no finer place for sure,
Downtown, everything's waiting for you.
(Downtown, downtown.)

Gillian Swart said...

Thanks, Petula - I mean Bubba.