Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blind vision

I was just reading (and listening) with interest this post on Newburyport's Voice.

There's a video on there with some unidentified MP (?) addressing the British prime minister at an unknown point in time.

I don't know what point is being made here, because the man's comments in my mind could have been transposed into American English and the speaker could have been addressing former President Bush.

This kind of skewed vision disturbs me, whether it comes from the left or the right.

A couple of years ago, someone looked at my Crocs (shoes) and said, "Those are Socialist shoes."

What the hell does that mean?

I don't think she knew, because I asked her to explain and she couldn't. All she said was that she was a supporter of former President Bush.

Blind vision.

I have a whole slew of family living in England. Times have been tough there and things were always more expensive for them than they were for us here. They looked at the U.S. with envy.

Now I think they see how hard it is for us, now that our bubble has burst. And I think somewhere inside, they're chuckling.

Obviously none of these theories work under extreme stress and obviously something has to change.

(I'm in favor of nationalized health care, in case you did not know that already ... you get the option to still go to a private doctor, if you can afford it ... and it scares me how much economic power Japan and China have in this global economy. It used to be really hard to find cheap crap made in China for sale in England.)

We danced the dance with Reagan, Bush et al and now it's time to pay the piper.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité - French for "liberty, equality, fraternity" and part of the French national motto (followed by "or death").

I'm not a big fan of the French government, but I think they are words worth considering.

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