Sunday, March 22, 2009

I felt the earth move, under my feet

Yesterday, prior to going to Port Plaza for lunch at Hana Japan, I was at the First Parish Church of Newbury for many, many hours, staking out my claim.

There was a whole bunch of us there, setting up our individual gardens in the community garden they have set up behind the church. My friend Elizabeth and I are sharing a plot.

Much like how things go when I'm with my sister Helen (the one who lives in Malden), it was an adventure.

Our little rectangle of earth is between 2 others to the north and south, so we helped Pat, our new neighbor to the south, measure out her 2 plots. Then we did ours.

Unfortunately, when Jane to our north was finished with hers, we had lost 3.5 feet in ours.

Oh but we were all so good at working with others that we found the problem, it was fixed and Elizabeth and I weren't squeezed out of however many square feet of garden 3.5 feet by 9 feet is.

I've never been good at math.

I'm looking forward to munching garden-fresh veggies all summer ...

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