Friday, March 13, 2009

As the turbine turns (a continuing saga)

I was out and about a bit ago, so I drove over to Hill St. I had turbine on the brain after reading Tom Salemi's post about it.
I had last night commented on Tom's post that when I was there before, I did not hear any noise coming from the thing.
Then I thought, "Well, maybe I did ..." so I deleted the comment.
But no noise today, only this view from the end of Hill St. near Rte. 1.
Anyway - as I turned onto Rte. 1 and looked up I saw what appeared to be a model airplane caught in the blades. I pulled onto Hill St., parked and ran back to Rte. 1 with my camera - which failed to take a good photo of the turbine and the little plane. Damn.
It was a remotely controlled model plane. Talk about a traffic hazard.
This was the view that I saw before writing my story from a couple of weeks ago, but it was night then and I couldn't get a good shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have the anti-turbine folks now taken to flying kamikaze model airplanes into the offending beast?

I'm having a flashback to little biplanes on strings attacking King Kong.

Fay Wray