Saturday, March 28, 2009

A long day's journey into night

Another great post today by Mary Baker Eaton.

As Mary concludes:

I would urge our Newburyport City Council to rethink a long term Newburyport wind energy policy, and not be wedded to an “either-or” approach, but in future, to urge citizens and business to take a more tempered and balanced direction.

Funny that Congressman John Tierney said basically the same thing about governing: how things in the last administration were presented as "either-or" with no middle (as in no regulation of Wall Street or total regulation).

I had only seen Tierney once before, when he came to the CNC (owner of the Current) offices last year for a press conference-type meeting. I was impressed today with how he answered the questions that were sometimes hurled at him.

The consummate politician, he also deftly avoided the raised hands in the line of protesters standing in the back ...

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