Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Water/sewer system 'craps' out the plumbing

Since this house has been hooked into the municipal water/sewer system, I have had a major leak develop in the waste pipe under the kitchen sink and now the commode is going beserk.

The head dude of the team that hooked me up told me I would hear a "whooshing" sound when the valve opened and the vacuum sucked the waste into the system.

I did, indeed, hear such a sound, about once a day. Then last week it became twice a day. In the last couple of days, it happens every couple of hours. I had to shut off the water going into the tank and only turn it on after I've flushed.

I am in contact with a plumber but I don't know if the old plumbing here is being stressed out by this new system or if there's something wrong with the system. It's too much of a coincidence that everything is going wrong so soon after the house was hooked up.

Is there no peace to be found?

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