Friday, May 23, 2008

Beach update: Friday

And here is the emergency entrance mentioned in yesterday's Daily News. It seems as if the beach is not closed any longer.

In the far right in the second photo, you will notice it looks like something has fallen of a house, possibly the one I feared for the other day. I only just noticed after I downloaded the pic. (click on images to enlarge)


Ari Herzog said...

Question: Why all the beach pictures so suddenly?

Gillian Swart said...

Ummm ... because houses are falling onto the beach, or about to?

Ari Herzog said...

OK. Asked differently, I've always considered beach erosion to be a long-term process, but your pictures and commentary imply any house could fall onto the beach any day, whereas one year ago this was not the case. No? So, why is erosion such a sudden issue?

Gillian Swart said...

It's not a sudden issue, it's just that it has reached crisis mode, if you will. There have been periodic stories about the need to repair the jetties ever since I have lived here.

I've checked and the upper deck has fallen off the house that I posted about the other day.

I don't know what else to say. I've written about - and posted ad nauseum about - the erosion.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Ari should "consider" the possibility that the rate of erosion is accelerating in certain locations - mother nature doesn't really care how Ari "considers" the problem.

The Island Center Transect 308 shows a long term rate of -1.61 ft per year but has lost about 70 ft in the last 4 years....

Gillian Swart said...

The "Island Center Transect 308"??? I see I'm out of my league.

Anonymous said...

The shoreline change maps are available on the Coastal Zone Management Wetsite at

The shoreline is measured at 40 meter intervals (transects) - #308 is the closest one to the center island parking lot. It's quite interesting to see how much the shoreline has moved back and forth over the years.

Gillian Swart said...

Ever since I've lived here, I've been amazed by how different that beach looks every time I go there. I don't go to the center beach that often (I like prefer the Refuge, when it's open). Now it appears that the beach south of the groin has been replenished.

In any case, thank you for the resource.