Friday, May 16, 2008

Thanks for writing

I'm going to go along with Tom Salemi who states this, among other things, on the sidebar of his blog:

You can post anonymously if you'd like, but names would be preferred, even a nickname would be nice.

It is difficult to track who all these 'anonymous' are - is it just one person every time, is it several people? You all get to hark back to things we bloggers said, so we should get to do the same.

Use a nickname.

"Hey, Bubba, you say this now, but last week you said X, Y and Z! Get real!" we could reply.

This works really well on the Daily News online, where people are able to really get down and attack, for example, this 'Carrot' person based on his/her comments across various websites and blogs.

Oops, I may have discouraged you with that example ... but as moderator, I would not post personal attacks.

Anonymous is difficult to deal with. But if it's what you're most comfortable with, please continue to comment as such. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

So I shouldn't say anything?

Anonymous said...

But I can say all I want?

In that case, tell people to click the NAME/URL button and not keep it at ANONYMOUS.

Gillian Swart said...

-banging my head against a wall-

Yeah, I know. Ha ha ... but you obviously did not get what I meant.

And, btw, since the likelihood of 2Newburyport residents who live on PI being so supportive of Newbury in comments on here was pretty slim (I don't get that many comments on here)... well, I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Silly me.

Anonymous said...

No, I did get what you meant but if you want people to not post as "Anonymous," but as, say, "Bubba" or "Carrot" or "FrenchFry #225" you have to tell people when leaving a comment to manually click the button for "Name/Url" and type in whatever name to use. In this case, Bubba.

Gillian Swart said...

OK, gotcha. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Actually, the above bubba isn't PI bubba

Gillian Swart said...

Well at least 'Bubba' is shorter to type than 'anonymous.'