Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The hazards of being single (and dim)

I clicked on and was browsing through the headlines when this one caught my eye:

Woman slaughtered for being single

Well, you can imagine my alarm. Before clicking on the link, I was wondering if I needed to run out and propose to my 85-year-old neighbor poste haste.

Turns out it was a crime spree in Basra, Iraq. Some 'industrious' fundamentalist Shiites decided to go around and enforce Allah's will themselves.

Women bore the brunt of the militias' extremist ideologies. The militants spray-painted threats on walls across Basra, warning women to wear headscarves and not to wear makeup. Women were sometimes executed for the vague charge of doing something "un-Islamic."

Apparently, being a single woman and living alone is "un-Islamic." Actually, I know it's considered such by many Muslims.

An anecdote:
When I worked at that Kuwaiti place I wrote about here, we had a receptionist who was - well, dim. She had a second job, working at the music pavilion in downtown Boston, and she wore shorts and a polo shorts at this job.

One day she did not have time to dry this apparel after washing it and laid said items on the radiator in the window of someone's office. Again, she was dim.

The Kuwaiti man (an intern from the home office) who came later into his office freaked out. He came flying out of his office, almost in tears, at finding women's clothing draped around his office.
"Gillian, what is this?" he asked me (my desk being the first one he came to).

Being this woman's supervisor at the time, I had the task of explaining to her how inappropriate her actions were, even if the office hadn't been occupied by a Muslim.

The man went home to Kuwait well before his internship was over, explaining to me that he could not accept the "decadence" he had encountered in the U.S. He was a nice, gentle man.

And that's not even mentioning the office driver, a guy from Southie, who would run into an office filled with people celebrating Ramadan by fasting until sunset and wave platters of bagels or donuts around.

Of course, they were sitting around socializing in an office while drawing huge salaries and while everyone else working ... they also almost to a man breezed in at about 10 a.m., took 2-hr. lunches and left at around 4 p.m. (in addition to socializing).

These guys did nothing in response - well, except leave as quickly as they could. It was better for all concerned.

P.S. It is not my intention to defend the killer of the single woman; or any other killer, terrorist or anyone of that ilk. I detest violence and intolerance at all levels.


Anonymous said...

American women are all like that. As a Pakistani man living in Newburyport I see things that offend me all the time, and I am thinking of taking legal action in order to avoid being offended by the sight of women in scanty clothing letting their bodies be examined by men. Such flesh and temptation has led to confining myself in my home lest Allah be offended by my impure thoughts.

The only saving grace for me is that the vast majority of women in Newburyport appear to be lesbians. After all, I have much cash and a fine automobile so surely I should be able to find a decent woman, but I cannot; the only ones who are interested in me are the ones who are also interested in doing obscene things such as drinking alchohol or exposing their faces/bodies to men.

I despair.

- Mahatma Kote

Anonymous said...

Just for the record I think local women should drink more and show more skin - especially when I'm around....

Gillian Swart said...

Thanks, Bubba, you're on the record. But - more important - do you have much cash and a fine automobile?

Anonymous said...

With a name like Bubba?

Big Jim McBob

Gillian Swart said...

Well, Big Jim, I forced 'Bubba' on him. Or her. Before, s/he was 'anonymous.'

I'm assuming YOU have much cash and a fine automobile ...

Anonymous said...


Does a gun rack qualify a truck as a fine automobile ? It's silver - and we know what that means...

Who carries cash any more ?

Gillian Swart said...

"It's silver - and we know what that means..."

That you're an accountant?

Anonymous said...

No, positive and well-ajusted or whatever it was....

Of course, my second choice would be may not so well-adjusted after all.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand the mocking of my most unfortunate social situation! I have taken all the right steps into becoming an American citizen and now I find myself surrounded by bare-faced apostates and facing a swift trip to Guantanamo if I should apply for a return trip to my beloved homeland of Pakistan.

I moved to the fine seaport of Newburyport in the understanding that the citizens were more open and accepting about different points of view than those in my previous city of Atlanta, Georgia. Instead, I find myself unable to find a decent mate, one who is modest and pure in the eyes of Allah.

Fortunately I have my fine automobile brimming with gasoline and will be using the long weekend to search for truly decent people. A co-worker of mine recommended that I travel myself to either Ogonquit Maine or Provincetown on the Cape Cod. So to one of them I shall go, and Allah be willing I will find pure women and not the obvious lesbians I encounter on a near-daily basis in Newburyport.

Plus, I will avoid the spring festival, where I stick out like the proverbial sore thumb or black sheep.

- Mahatma Kote

Gillian Swart said...

Oh, Mahatma, my most humble apologies for the mocking. How insenstive.

Have fun in Ogunquit and/or Provincetown! I look forward to hearing of a successful outcome in either or both places.

OH, and be sure to take your Speedo with you. I hear it's going to be lovely and warm this weekend; I'm sure you'll want to take a dip in the sea.

Gillian Swart said...

And as for you, Bubs, stop mocking our beleagured Pakistani neighbor.

I'm now watching out for silver trucks with gun racks.

Anonymous said...

If Mahatma is Pakistani then I'm Osama Bin Laden.....

You might also want to be on the lookout for people wearing flannel and a hunting cap - especially during the summer...

Gillian Swart said...

Well, I got 2 of those within 100 ft. of me right now (people wearing flannel and a hunting cap, not Pakistanis) ...

You think "Mahatma" is a fraud? Gee, that thought never occurred to me ...

Anonymous said...

A quick search of "Mahatma Kote" brings up a recent comment by the Carrot.

Gillian Swart said...

Good catch, Mayo!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.

If that's the same 'Carrot' who used to post in alt.tasteless we're all doomed to future of completely off-the-wall postings that will make you laugh or puke. I could never figure out if 'Carrot' was a sociopath, Hunter S. Thompson or Chuck Palniak writing under an assumed name or simply the smartest (or dumbest) man on the planet.

Let's hope his fan club doesn't arrive.


Gillian Swart said...

Well, he claims in a post on the Daily News online that he always uses the same alias ... but whatever; as long as he remains humorous and civil, he is welcome.