Sunday, May 11, 2008


I hate flies. But who doesn't?

Every winter I look forward to spring here on Plum Island. And every spring I think, "Why do I always forget about the flies?"

Right now there's a fly in here that's bigger than my cat. I picked a few sprigs of lavender from my garden and hung them around the place (the smell of lavender is supposed to chase flies away) - but I think this winged monstrosity just landed on one of them.

The house reeks of lavender, to no avail.

I'm not talking greenheads; they have yet to arrive. In a couple weeks I'll have to hang fly paper. Reminds me of life on a farm.

As I've said before, this ain't no mecca, so don't come out here and build your big old house. It will only be a haven for flies. Icky, buzzy flies landing on your food and on your face.

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