Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back from Billerica & Oregano's in the Globe

Hi, I'm back! And I only got lost briefly.

Wow, I just switched on the Red Sox game and there was a brawl in progress.

I like that word, brawl. The sound of it, I mean. I also like the words wine, meal and loggia, among others. Is that just way too weird?

Speaking of meals, Oregano's got a write-up in today's Globe North. Here's an interesting tidbit of information:

The (gas-fired pizza) oven can reach 900 degrees and cook five pizzas every three minutes, Cappucci said, but probably it's best to keep it around 700 to 750 and let it take just a little longer.

Still have not gone there. Still looking forward to going there. Is it National Bloggers Day yet?

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