Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Death in the family

I just got word that one of my uncles died, in Michigan. I'm sad, but I guess I would be sadder if he hadn't been a child molester who held me down on his couch and kissed me on the mouth when I was about 11 years old.

(Actually, the word came hours ago now, since I had to run out to a meeting.)

He had been in jail for the last I don't know how many years for molesting his own granddaughter(s). He got off light on the first charge, of molesting two of his granddaughters, for lack of evidence, or something.

So his younger daughter, not wanting to believe that of her father, let him be around her daughter.

Needless to say, the shit really hit the fan when he was found to be molesting that little girl as well. Her older sister, who tried her best to talk her sister into banning their father, as it were, as far as I know never spoke to him again.

Uncle Harold died, in a prison medical facility, after suffering a heart attack a few months ago from which he never fully recovered.

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