Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Geotextile tube the answer for PI beach?

In the Daily News today, there is a story about the Plum Island beach. You can read it here.

Seeing as how I just recently posted about erosion problems in 1975-76 and futile attempts to stop it then, and since the beach and the island are still here, my inclination is to give this one a pass.

But in brief, the latest measure under discussion is a geotextile tube, or geotube, says the DN. It's only a stop-gap type of thing.

This is what the associate technical director of the Army Corps of Engineers Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, William Curtis, had to say: Curtis said the tube is filled with and covered by sand and could provide a soft barrier against the wave action causing the erosion. He said tubes are stable and easily repaired if damaged.

He also said that low-cost alternatives don't exist. The geotube is a 9-foot-tall, sand-filled tube that will cost between $250,000 and $500,000. The congressional delegation, on hand for another meeting at PITA hall that was not advertised, is said to be exploring measures to find funding for this - if it's approved by the DEP, that is.

Salisbury selectmen Chairman Jerry Klima offered two pieces of advice to his Plum Island counterparts. He said Newbury should start the permitting process for the short-term solution at the Center now, rather than waiting for funding. He also said the once the beach is replenished, the sand must be held in place with dune grass and snow fencing.

Isn't that what the Newbury Beach Committee was doing before all this started? With little or no funding? How many times do I have to say this? And when is the DN going to point this out? Never - that's my guess.

It seems as if there is going to be some serious studying going on anyway, which is all I was calling for.


Ari Herzog said...

Hogwash! I already blogged about an environmental consultant on San Padre Island, Texas, who said geotubes don't work. I suggested the WhisprWave for a fraction of the cost.

See more here.

Gillian Swart said...

I knew I had read that somewhere! Sorry, Ari, but thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps you should have attended the meeting yesterday.