Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Everett mayor talks trash about our city

When I got home just now, there was a comment to be posted, from someone in Everett. Thought it should stand on its own, especially since the comment is posted to the Obama visits Flint piece:

Just an FYI that Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria stated to the residents last night that Newburyport is in trouble because the city dumped waste into the landfill then tried to say it was W. Theabeault. Our Mayor told alot of crock stories about New Ventures and Woodwaste just to sell his story.

I wonder if this anonymous commenter would care to expand on this?


Anonymous said...

This post is not clear to me.

Who does "Our Mayor" refer to? Is it Newburyport's Mayor or Everett's?

Also does "Our Mayor" refer to the current administration or a past one?

Thanks in advance for any clarification.


Gillian Swart said...

Everything in blue is from the person in Everett, so "our Mayor" refers to the Mayor of Everett, Carlo DeMaria. I assume the "crock stories" were told last night.

Anonymous said...

Many of us in Everett are in hopes that your council denies Mr Thibeault to increase his trucking into the Newburyport landfill. You can not imagine how much waste is at his facility in Everett. There are several, about 40 foot high, piles of waste that he wants to bring to your community. Thibeault's attorney, Mr Rossi, told the Everett Board of Aldermen two different stories.

1. If Mr Thibeault is denied in Newburyport, he will then ship his waste to Ohio and/or Michigan.

2. If Mr Thibeault is denied in Newburyport, the state will overturn it.

I personally would like to see this play out. He has now been ordered by the state to build an enclosed facility in Everett.

Our Mayor tries to make Mr Thibeault out as a saint. Many of us know much differently. It appears to me that Mr Thibeault is trying to hold both of our communities hostage. It like, give me what I want and I will do what I was ordered to do.

I will be checking back later this evening to see how things go with Newburyport's Council meeting tonight.

I hope things go as your residents want.

Gillian Swart said...

Thank you, Anonymous!

Anonymous said...

What Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria said to Councilor Leo McKinnon, who told the Mayor that Mr. Thibeault has not been a good neighbor in Everett or Newburyport and our Mayor's response was " Do ya wanna know what happened in Newburyport " The town put contaminates in the landfill and now they have a lawsuit for millions of dollars" Mayor Carlo DeMaria (without coming out and saying it directly) said that Newburyport caused this. My question is what did Newburyport cause in Everett? (Nothing, the suffering here has been solely the fault of the owner of Wood Waste) and Mr. Thibeault has mountains high of waste and they blamed the cease and desist order from Newburyport. My problem with that is we, in Everett, have been fighting that issue (along with odors, etc) for at least 9 years. You havent had a cease and desist order for 9 years???

Gillian Swart said...

No, anonymous, New Ventures has only been operating at Crow Lane since 2000, but I think odor problems started within 2 years after NV landed here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Exactly my point. Trying to blame a cease and desist order that has only been in effect for a few months on 9 years of issues......typical attorney spin.

Your council did good work and should be proud. Someone FINALLY stood up for the people. I hope Everett has that same response but it's not looking too good.