Friday, June 20, 2008

This ought to be interesting

So all the talk I've heard for the past 2 months has proven accurate: Jim Roy, former columnist for the Current is starting up his own newspaper. He announces the new publication in the latest issue of the Current:

Please take the time to peruse a new publication, edited by yours truly, that will be appearing every two weeks at local news stands here in town. In recognition of one of our more famous alumni, William Lloyd Garrison, born at 3 School St. 203 years ago, it will be called The Newburyport Liberator. I hope to talk to all of you soon within its pages, first issue on the streets at the end of this month.

Well, Jim tells his faithful followers that his parting from the Current was amicable, so who am I to say otherwise? Well, I already said it so it's a done deal.

So ... another paper. I hear that advertising dollars are tight in town, so it will be interesting to see how he fares. Since I am now a contributor to The Port Planet, is it appropriate for me to wish him success? Oh, what the hell.

Smooth sailing, Jim!

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