Friday, April 3, 2009

Taffy's as a symbol

I also was yesterday talking to my brother and sister about Taffy's.

This intrigues me because it really shows the dichotomy between Townies and "blow-ins" (of which I am one, in case you are confused).

I was talking the other day to a friend who said she couldn't understand what the big deal was about Taffy's, how Theory (the bistro that replaced the original Taffy's after it closed) was so good and how ugly is that old Taffy's sign, anyway?

OK, well ... I really think that a town needs new blood to keep things moving along. And I think in Newburyport, there is a strong element of new blood that was attracted here by the abundance of water - the river and the ocean - and then there is the much-maligned "khaki crowd."

These people want more along the lines of Theory and Petit Bijou. They are young urban professionals - you know, yuppies. They like what Stephen Karp the developer wants to to with the city. They've got the right to their opinion.

One set of people wants to preserve public access to the river and the funky feel of a waterside community - a working port - and the other set wants the condos, high-end shops and big yachts in the harbor that Karp et al see in all our futures (forgive me for generalizing).

The Townies just want to be left alone.

As you know, I'm in there with the group that was attracted by the water and the funky feel.

But back to Taffy's. Someone said to me yesterday that they hoped Taffy's has a narrow enough aisle so people can't get a three-wide stroller down it. He feels that Angie's has already been ruined by people with three-wide strollers and while Park Lunch still has its dedicated customers, the atmosphere changed after they remodeled following a fire.

I love contrary opinions, don't you?

Places to get breakfast here are limited now, compared to how it used to be, I'm told.

I have always found Fowle's to be somewhat off-putting for reasons I can't put my finger on and I tend to forget about Stella's (also a breakfast and lunch place) because it's off the beaten path - but then, so is Taffy's.

And while I like Angie's a lot for lunch and the occasional dinner on the run, I'm not a big fan of their breakfast.

I've never had breakfast at Park Lunch.

Given a choice between Angie's and Stella's, I'd choose Stella's ... but my favorite place for breakfast is Mad Martha's, out here on the Island.

I love going out for breakfast, but I always feel kind of guilty paying a lot for a meal I could have in many cases cooked myself with minimal effort and at much less cost.

That's why I don't feel as bad going to Mad Martha's - no way could I duplicate some of the stuff they serve there without a lot of fuss and muss.

I can hear my khaki-clad friends recoiling in dismay and thinking, "But it's so dirty!"

Which brings me to my final point - just because a place is not all stainless steel and slick looking does not mean it's dirty.

Add a little kitch to your life, khaki crowd.


Tom Salemi said...

You forgot those folks who simply see Taffy's as a place to buy food and not as a metaphor for man's eternal struggle against man.

I can have a stroller, enjoy the the waterfront as it currently stands and also see Karp's plans as a potential source of taxes (and enjoyment) for the city. I'm not sure I have to choose.

I guess I'm part of the group of people who are increasingly tired of the grouping of people.

Gillian Swart said...

Tom, If there were no groups with differing opinions, there would be no need for discourse. You know, like we have on our blogs.

Anonymous said...

The Park Lunch does not serve breakfast.

Gillian Swart said...

Well that explains that - and the name Park LUNCH ... thanks, anonymous.

Bubba "Henry Clay" Le Conquerant said...

"If there were no groups with differing opinions, there would be no need for discourse."

And therein lies the problem. These groups have mutually exclusive views and I'm tired of reading that I have to choose one of them or that one is "superior" to the other.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you gillian, that we townies just want to be left alone. we don't mind new blood, but don't show up trying to change everything we love about our city (ie. Karp)...

Gillian Swart said...

I agree - I don't think anyone should have to choose one over the other.

I don't think the views are necessarily mutually exclusive, though (except by a few); I think both sides make some valid points.

What I object to is either side dismissing entirely the views of the other.

I just find this fascinating.

James Shanley said...

Gosh, I sure hope Taffy's aisle is wide enough to accomodate the Octo-Mom, should she come to town.

As long as the kiddies aren't wearing khakis.

Gillian Swart said...

James, they'd take up the whole place so no one would see if they were wearing khakis or not!