Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another glossy

So my neighbor pranced over a while ago holding a promotional piece of paper for a new glossy magazine, Northshore Life.

To be published by CNC, the entity that owns the Current.

This is going to put me in double Dutch with Merrimack Valley Magazine, which already won't accept anything that any Eagle Tribune glossy ran.

Who knows what they ran? Not me ... and I was getting their mag delivered to me free, up through the last issue anyway.

(I'm not much on magazines, even the ones I write for. A real stumbling block, that.)

So much for my fabulous Marquand story.

Life sucks.


Anonymous said...

Do you think it's a good idea to blog about not liking the magazines you write for? Doesn't seem like a formula for getting more work.

Gillian Swart said...

I did not say I didn't like it/them. I just said I'm not much on magazines - as in, I don't have subscriptions to magazines the way other people do.