Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sewer saga

I got a first-hand look at one of our infamous sewer pits this afternoon.

My neighbor, who apparently does not know how to use a plunger, called the sewer dept. complaining of backup in her home.

I do have to say that I've had a clogged commode but never had it back into the house before ... anyway, she said she called at 10 and a crew only came right before I got home at 2:30 and she still couldn't flush without overflow so I told her to call Dan Sweeney.

She wanted me there to witness the events and I guess to threaten people. I don't know; I was busy washing dishes - but I made a belated appearance because I was curious.

The 2 guys who came out (the second of 2 crews dispatched to the location) were really pleasant and one made a valiant attempt to explain the system. He gave a neat little demonstration of how it works and I got to hear the sound the system makes when a valve is stuck open.

I don't know how anyone could miss it since it sounds like the wind is howling - you know, in the house.

The guys said they haven't had a call on PI for about 3 weeks, which is great news. They also said they had been tied up at the sewer plant all day working on some dire situation going on there.

Oh! And I found out recently that under the Clean Water Act, the federal government has to pay for upgrades to sewer plants to meet federal guidelines so I guess that takes care of that matter.

Let's get that thing fixed.

Carry on.

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