Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wouldn't it be nice?

I only have a few minutes to spare - lots of stories to write, deadline tomorrow - but I wanted to report that maybe, just maybe, one day this blog (and perhaps others) will be somehow linked to the WickedLocal site of the Current and I can again blab stuff when I find out about it.

For instance, somebody told me about Jim Rogers and Newburyport Development parting ways two days ago, but could I write about it, immediately? No!

Of course there is that annoying line I need to be mindful of - you know, the one between fact, fiction and rumor and innuendo.

The latter sort of reminds me of my first paragraph ... hee

Anyway, I don't know if this is a sign of the economic times, a sign of the way things will be, or sheer perversity on the part of ND - perhaps a little of all of the above.


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