Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Facebook at 5: time for kindergarten

I just love slamming Facebook, even though I can't quite let it go ...

So now it's 5 years old, the guy who started it is a bazillionaire at age 24, and I'm still skeptical.

I mean, now I've re-connected with 3 or 4 friends from my wayward youth, I'm fairly happy. But I read this bit, from the piece about the anniversary, on

"The culture of the Internet has also changed pretty dramatically over the past five years. Before, most people wouldn't consider sharing their real identities online," Zuckerberg (the aforementioned bazillionaire) said. "But Facebook has offered a safe and trusted environment for people to interact online, which has made millions of people comfortable expressing more about themselves."
I trust the people that I've befriended - I think (who knows when you haven't seen or heard from someone in 30 years?) - but when you consider that their 'friends' can also look at what you're saying, and so on and so on ... do you trust everyone on Facebook?

Someone I know on there has more than 2000 'friends!' Can he really vouch for all 2000+ of those people? Do I want them checking on what I'm doing?

I guess maybe he's referring to the private message function; but honestly? I'd rather have the people just email me. I've got so many messages from Facebook on my email that I lose other emails in the thicket. And I've got 3 friggin' email accounts ...

#2 on the list of 25 things about me:

I can't let go of anything!

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