Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where were the police when ...

Someone stole my recycling bin!

Who steals a recycling bin? Who steals anything on Plum Island?

My luck, karma - or whatever it is that keeps one going in a more or less cheerful mode -continues on its downward spiral ...

So I just happened to be in the basement of City Hall and I asked what form of payment I could offer up for a new bin, since I was there in the office anyway, and the bins were right there, 6 feet away.

Cash or check, I was told.

Who doesn't take a debit/credit card these days? Not many places, since I don't even carry my checkbook around with me.

For the lack of a measly $6 in my wallet, I am recycling bin-less.

It hurts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I've had 2 recycling bins and a trashcan stolen! Who steals a nasty old trashcan?