Monday, July 20, 2009

Landfill issues dominate

The Ad Hoc Independent Counsel Committee - the one that was set up by the City Council to hire independent counsel and then try to figure out if Council has any legal standing in the mayor's decision to let New Ventuers resume capping the landfill - is meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in Council chambers.

Yesterday one of the landfill neighbors approached me at the Farmers' Market and asked me what the neighbors could do, aside from picketing at the mayor's office.

It seems to me that this is a question for an independent counsel.

At the last City Council meeting, Tom Jones stood up and very forcefully called for action. Of course, he lives in the affected area, but does that make a difference?

My friend, who was sitting with me at the market (it's like a cafe out there Sunday mornings) said she has smelled it at her home, near the high school.

Nobody seems to know what the stench is - apparently it's not hydrogen sulfide since nothing is allegedly registering on the meters. Yet no one seems to be investigating what it really is and therefore cannot address the health impact issue.

Meanwhile, where are the reports in the Daily News about all of this? I see that there's a story in today's issue about how the landfill is likely to be a topic of conversation with Gov. Deval Patrick tomorrow evening:

Local opinions are somewhat mixed, but on at least one topic — the landfill — Patrick will likely be in for some criticism.

Tomorrow's visit is expected to follow the same format as last year's. Patrick will do a walking tour of downtown Amesbury a few hours before holding the public forum in Newburyport City Hall.

I thought the meeting was at Waterfront Park, not City Hall, and why is he touring downtown Amesbury prior to the meeting? It is supposed to say downtown Newburyport?

I think he should be touring the landfill. But you can probably bet your ass there won't be any odors around here tomorrow.

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