Friday, June 5, 2009

Oregano tries again

OK, so Oregano has been asked to submit new drawings to the city relating to their outdoor seating and serving alcohol out there.

I'm looking at the new drawings, which are in the packet for Monday's City Council meeting, and I notice that in order to accommodate the barriers that have to be erected, an existing ramp for handicap access to - what? the restaurant? - has to be taken out and re-built.

People in wheelchairs have to enter the place through the back?

In any case, the state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission has determined that "the current floor plans do not conform to [its] guidelines. Egress from the inside to the outside must be clearly established to insure safe, uninterrupted service of alcoholic beverages. Staff members are not able to go from the inside to the outside without leaving the licensed premises under the current floor plan."

At least the ABCC is on the ball.

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