Monday, August 11, 2008

Random thoughts because I can't focus today

Monday and big storms may be approaching.

Feeling depressed and paranoid.

Dubya last night tells Kostas that country has no problems.

#2 and #3 might be related.

Landfill odor complaints resurfacing. hee. Someone has suggested to me that $1 mil in state environmental bond (with $3 mil New Ventures had to put up) is more about security should New Ventures cut and run.

Signed on to Twitter. Have no idea what's going on there. It's like IMing to the world. Seems like everyone thinks their every random thought deserves broadcasting ... is that irony?


Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't get Twitter... I mean... Isn't that reverse stalking?

Gillian Swart said...

Good point, Liam. It's kinda scary.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about Twitter. I rarely post anything there, and if I do it's usually in response to someone else's post. And, to someone I know, at that.

I "follow" friends and people I know. When I see that total strangers are following me, I wonder why. What could they possibly be interested in?! I say nothing clever or exciting!

Gillian Swart said...

I picked random people who also live in MA to follow ... lol. I have no idea what this is supposed to do for me! Who cares if I'm watching the Olympics or having lunch with Dave?