Friday, August 29, 2008

Take a cold shower already!

I know, I know, everyone is now at home or already out of town for the holiday weekend.

But I had to ask this question: What is it about this Sarah Palin woman that's turning men on? Geesh, from HollywoodNewsroom:

Who cares about Republicans vs Democrats. We’re too dumb for all this political talk, unless it has to do with Lindsay, Samantha, Dina and Michael and…. We just know one thing, Sarah Palin is kinda hot. Yeah, we’re all nodding, we’d tap it.

And this from Craig Ferguson (it had to be before the McCain nod),via YouTube:

Dum dee dum do do ... video taking a ridiculously long time to upload ... dum dee dum, cuz the power you're supplying - it's electrifying! Better shape up, cuz I need a man ... who can keep me satisfied ... do dee dum ...

Fast forward one hour: Naughty librarian vibe?

Comments online: From "easy on the eyes" to "totally doable." I mean, honestly!

Oh ... I wrote that before I saw this.

Well, what can I say? If you want Tina Fey as veep, why not just choose Tina Fey? Or Mia Farrow? Or whoever else she reminds you of?

She reminds me of some girls I knew when I was in high school/college, in the early 70s. Uh-oh. Baby boomers' kids expressing some sexy mommy lust?

Whatever, she seems personable enough, even though she belongs to the NRA (and I don't mean the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority) and is not in favor of reproductive rights.

But that skirt! Those shoes! Whoa, nelly!


Tom Salemi said...

I suspect Tina and Mia are Democrats, otherwise....

But forget all that. Why isn't Craig an honorary citizen of Newburyport?

Gillian Swart said...

Hey, "they" are always saying the parties should cross lines ...

Let's get the City Council on the Craig issue.

Anonymous said...

Quite a few people seem to think Ms Palin is a yummy mommy or a MILF (in keeping with your recent naughty word theme), but I don't see it - maybe I'm too old.

Gillian Swart said...

I see it as a phenomenon, but I don't see it in the way you can see it in Madonna, for instance. Or whoever is considered sexy these days. My 'who's sexy' list is way out of date.

Hey, Bubba, does that mean I can soon expect another t-shirt, this time from a Mr. Z?

Anonymous said...


I don't think anyone would mistake Ms Palin for being a Cougar...

I wouldn't count on a t-shirt - the only thing I support is flannel...

Gillian Swart said...

You know, Bubba? You've got me looking quizzically at every man I see on the island wearing flannel and driving a silver pickup. There's a surprising number of the former, seeing how it's summer, I might add.