Monday, August 25, 2008

Clinton / McCain in 2008 ... wait, reverse that

I read on Thom Singer's blog, or his tweet, or somewhere, that if one wants to generate a lot of traffic, a blogger should write about McCain's impending vice presidential pick of the litter.

I don't know much about the Republican field of candidates he proposes, but since he accurately predicted Biden, I'll go along with his field of likely 'picks.'

And then I will run screaming, "NOT MITT ROMNEY, PLEASE GOD NOT MITT ROMNEY!"

I don't know much about it, I will confess that. All I know is, (1) Please, please, no, and (2) the whole process has been convoluted by race, gender and religion.

Three things that have nothing to do with the ability to be an effective president or vice president.*

Will McCain pick a woman? Will he pick the black person? Will he pick the Mormon?

I suggest only that he not pick the moron.

But seriously, folks, I'm thinking his best choice would be Hillary Clinton.

She might slip him a swift knee to the gonads, potentially in the Oval Office, if they were to be elected, but what a coup that would be, huh?

* Why not throw into the mix "ability to handle guns without inadvertently shooting someone?"


thomsinger said...

I had not thought about Hillary as a possible McCain VP pick. But it that idea trumps all the ideas that I wrote on my blog post.

That move would show he is really a maverick!

Also, you need a space between your "/" between Clinton and McCain or the search sees it as one giant word.

I got hundreds of hits over night from people searching for info on the Republican VP choices.


Gillian Swart said...
