Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I've been Twittering

So every once in a while I go to and put in some innocuous statement of 140 words or less and hope that someone will find me stunningly interesting.

Yesterday I learned that someone was going to lunch with Dave. Dave rocks.

I was going to respond that it was, in fact, I who was having lunch with Dave Rocks. But I restrained myself.

Twitter really wants me to set my cell phone so I can truly be in touch, no matter what. So I, too, can say I was earlier at the laundromat.

But hey, someone from Flint is now "following" me (as I picked a few people from MA to "follow"). So far, all I've learned is what Ari has been up to the last 2 days ... oh, and that Skye went to Mad Martha's for lunch!

I suspect that this might go the same way as LinkedIn ... never go on there anymore.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday on Twitter I asked someone for a recipe. That was about it.

If the day comes where I hook up my cell phone to Twitter, I give you permission to publicly humiliate me.

Gillian Swart said...

Oh, Mary, may I follow you on Twitter?

Ari, aren't you supposed to respond when people tweet you, or whatever it's called? You never respond to me! How social is that???? :)

Anonymous said...

I know, I know, Gillian - you can't resist the lure of the gold that flows from my tweets. My handle is maryeliz - it should come up if you search. (I'm not HTML savvy like Ari and don't know how to imbed the link...)

Gillian Swart said...

OK, Mary, now I'm following you like ... like ... a mosquito on steroids!

Anonymous said...

At the risk of dragging this on for too's a funny (and useful!) article on Twitter etiquette:

Gillian Swart said...

Thanks, Mary. How does one respond to direct messages, according to etiquette? And what the hell is lol

Anonymous said... is a site where you can plug in a really long URL and make it tiny. It's helpful when you're sending a link to someone, especiall over Twitter.

As for Direct Messages, you can reply to those directly within Twitter...and think of them as an e-mail to you. Sometimes you need to reply, but not always, depending on the subject. Sometimes I'll reply to a DM directly within Twitter; other times, with an e-mail, if I can't be confined by 140 characters!

Gillian Swart said...

Thanks, guys! Ari - Me read instructions/help sections? Are you nuts? lol