Monday, May 11, 2009

It was late in the evening

Isn't it kind of an afterthought for Karp's crew to be meeting with McCavitt's crew to discuss the future of the waterfront?

From today's Daily News:

Two active leaders in the Citizens for Chapter 91 Committee met with representatives from Stephen Karp's New England Development recently ...

Chuck Lagasse, a longtime waterfront landowner and partner with Karp's team, did not take part in the meeting but said it was arranged to discuss the comments raised by McCavitt about the waterfront plans in a recent Daily News article, and how the two groups can work together.
I wonder what "recently" means - aside from meaning it happened while no one was watching.

The group discussed potential public access and ways to the waterfront as those development plans for the Karp property moves forward.
Sure, this has noting to do with Karp needing to go through the Waterfront Trust park/NRA parking lot for access to the development ...

"We discussed what, if anything, New England Development could do prior to the actual development of the site to enhance public access down there," McCavitt said. "We had a very positive meeting."
According to the paper, Planning Director Sean Sullivan served as a "go-between" to get the meeting going.

First former Planning Director Nancy Colbert had to literally force Karp to address the citizenry last year (and don't let anyone tell you anything different) and now, a year later, her successor has to get Karp's people to meet with local waterfront advocacy groups.

Someone needs to read between the lines ... not me, I'm too worn out.

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