Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Give me science! Please

It's going to be a busy day for me so I'm posting now, at what I consider to be "the crack of dawn," but what most of my neighbors think of as "nearly mid-day."

Well, I'm not going to say much more about the PI beach. The Daily News, I think said it all in this story that appeared online on Sunday. I don't know if it was the Daily's intention to imply, "Hey, it has happened before, it will happen again, get over it," but there you go.

(Is there never going to be mention of the fact that in the 1800s, the mouth of the river was way back down by 55th St.? That being where people fear the breach will occur.)

The daily followed that up on Monday with an account of students from Lexington having been studying erosion on the Refuge beach for the past few years. I can't be certain because it is not made clear in the piece, if they only studied the dunes at the point where there was a man-made structure:

Regan estimates that the last time they were at boardwalk five, there was a 12-foot drop and he noted that the bottom of the stairs had been ripped away. He called the changes that had occured "dramatic."

Maybe I'm being too cynical (as unbelievable as that may seem) or downright wrong, but have we heard in this series of stories in the daily from an actual geologist or any scientific person of any description? We've heard from the chief of police in Newbury, a Newbury selectman, the Newbury conservation agent, a couple of politicians, several residents, the current and a former mayor of Newburyport, a bit from the Army Corps of Engineers guy (I assume an engineer) and now a high school teacher.

But no scientific backup. If I recall correctly.

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