Thursday, September 4, 2008

Don't kiss me, you fool!

I did not watch Sarah Palin's acceptance speech, but I just watched a snippet of video on CNN of McCain after her speech.

He went along the line of Palin family members (one young man chewing gum - ick), then got to Ms. Palin.

He kissed her.

She clearly did not like being kissed. (Actually, now I'm seeing video of her kissing her family. She's an "air kisser," even with her family.)

But would McCain have kissed a man? NO.

Note to the wise male politician: don't kiss the female politicians.

George Bush is always kissing women also, and we all know he irked the German chancellor by acting like she was a woman, which she is - but hell's bells, she's also the German chancellor.

So my guess is, McCain got some kind of negative feedback about the kiss. It was inappropriate, and it was sexist.


Anonymous said...


Gillian Swart said...

Yeah, you know? She could claim sexual harassment, if he keeps it up.

Who can tell if I'm being serious or not?

Anonymous said...

I certainly can't.

Gillian Swart said...

That's the best part of my evil plan.