Sunday, August 23, 2009

More landfill photos

I wasn't going to say anything, but ...
Just kidding; of course I have comments.
OK, so that broken down fencing and those rotting bales of straw (or whatever it is) are on city property. Not to mention I am told there is supposed to be a double stack of the bales.
Isn't the site just so well maintained?
And there were pools of water everywhere from yesterday's rain, during which I imagine the water was running fast and furious down that final membrane layer, or FML as they call it. You know, the one that's supposed to be covered with sand and top soil to prevent just such an occurrence.
I got a little tour of the whole area, including the wetlands around the property and the little stream that flows into the Little River.
And I didn't take a photo of it specifically (but you can see it in the first photo), but where the retaining pool is supposed to be, there is a big pile of dirt.
Hey, I wish I could get away with ... oh, wait, I said that already. Never mind.

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