Friday, August 7, 2009

Mayor's appointee to NRA

OK, so I'm back after a morning of running all over creation. I'm getting very tan.

I got the agenda for Monday's City Council meeting, and right away something jumped out at me:

The first reading of the appointment of John G. Morris to the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority, or NRA as we all refer to it.

No, this isn't John "Jack" Morris, the director of health. I don't think he lives in the city and this here John Morris lives on Water St.

Anyway, I was intrigued by his letter to Mayor John Moak, which is included in the agenda packet.

"Dear John," it starts out, "It was a pleasure speaking with you last week about the NRA and its plans for the waterfront."

In the next paragraph:

"I would like to work with the members of the NRA to move forward with their plans to begin the next phase of the design which was recently presented by the Cecil Group at the Firehouse. After al these years it is refreshing to see that the project is gaining tangible positive momentum."

And so on and so forth.

"Tangible positive momentum?" Was he at that meeting at the Firehouse? Did he not hear the multiple protestations about what a teeny, tiny step this was?

Anyway - this is just for your information. Could be contentious.

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