Saturday, February 27, 2010

The aftermath

Well I can't assess the full impact of Thursday night's storm to our region, but you can read some info here, from the Daily News.

Also in the Daily News is this story, about officials preparing for a breach of the dune here on Plum Island. I'm no expect, of course, but when I on Friday morning stood at the edge of what's left of the primary dune at PI Center, I could see that a breach is imminent. And you can see it, too, in the photos I took (last post), although the get the full impact you sort of had to be there (or be a better photographer than I am).

The island was without power from about 11:15 p.m. Thursday to whenever it came back on last night (I returned to the island at about 8:30 p.m. and it was on). I was told that power to Plum Island was shut off when electrical transformers started blowing and wires were coming down all over the place - but I was told so many things (although this one made sense, given what the deputy fire chief from Newbury told me yesterday morning, at the beach).

I was nearly heartbroken to see that the big pine trees in front of the pink house on the PI Turnpike had gone down. The other part - the beach part - was just scary.

There does not appear to be a lot of damage over here, on the other side of the basin, just some fences down (including the one at the cottage and my neighbor behind me), but the river is high and obviously the marsh is saturated.

Good thing we didn't get a lot of snow last night - although I don't know what difference it would have made to anything. It's a dire situation.


Michelle said...

The kids and I drove to the island yesterday. Crazy!!!!! Is the breach you speak of near the parking lot at Jeanne's, with the sand all the way up to the parking lot?

Gillian Swart said...

Yes, that's the place. That sign about the dunes (in previous post) used to be along the walkway down to the beach. Now it's on "the beach."