Thursday, April 29, 2010

Newburyport Business an attack site?

Well, reader Gail was correct about my little website being claimed as being a virus risk, except I could still get on the site unfettered up to just now.

I've never been an "attack site" before!

And thus the drama continues ...


Gillian Swart said...

Seems that it has something to do w/the Norton Security Suite that Comcast switched to ... it doesn't like Newburyport Business (on Firefox, at any rate). I'm not getting any virus messages on Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

It figures that I get no love from Comcast ...

Tom said...

It's Google that picked it up:

Thankfully, Norton and/or Firefox check there.

Gillian Swart said...

Well the web person says the website has not been hacked, Godaddy says it has nothing to do with the domain name being transferred to my name (which is when it all started) and that diagnostic from Google said they haven't scanned the site for 90 days. So it's nobody's fault, I guess. Or maybe it's my fault.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gillian:

The website seems ok now. No blocks, no warning. That's good news!
