Monday, November 30, 2009

Moak says holidays not ruined

I found this little snippet in the paper amusing:

Moak said last week he disagrees with recent claims that holidays have been ruined in recent years for neighbors of Crow Lane, due to the presence of odors and smells from the landfill.

Moak said that there has been one holiday — Christmas of 2006 — that neighbors suffered from the smells. In 2007 and 2008, there were no problems at Thanksgiving or Christmas, the mayor added.

"I beg to differ that anything happened in '07 or '08," Moak said.

Moak also worked to ensure that this year's Thanksgiving was odor-free.

"We kill ourselves to make sure that happens," the mayor said..

I went back and looked at complaints registered on the email chain by neighbors. Apparently the 4th of July doesn't rank as a "holiday" in the mayor's mind. There were numerous complaints both on July 4 and July 5 ... and the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th ... in fact, right through into August.

Didn't I hear somewhere (a recent public meeting w/DEP) that the final membrane layer (FML) would be in place by the day after Thanksgiving?

Then why did I see an email from a landfill neighbor dated 11/29, complaining of odors?

I did not have time to note it before, but it was New Ventures, the landfill owner, who delayed the placement of the FML by not doing what it was supposed to do!

When will this ever end? Someone should look into this ....


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Is this not the same Mayor Moak that sat in meetings and heard constituents complaints?

Is this not the same Mayor Moak that admitted on MANY occasions that he's been to the landfill and discovered an odor/gas problem?

He is disputing what is clearly documented?? WHY?????

Anonymous said...

FYI - Complaint Response Report