Thursday, October 23, 2008

Landfill meeting

Sorry, folks, I did not go to the meeting! I got a report (as did others) that the mayor presented a draft agreement (with New Ventures) to the City Council.

The agreement is 7 pages long, so if you would like a copy, email me and I'll send it along!

Basically, it says that NV releases the city (and all boards, officials, etc.) from all claims, demands, notices, actions, suits and causes of action for any and all response costs under General Laws, Chapter 21E ... regarding deposits made at the landfill regardless of date or origin of materials.

Current landfill owner will maintain the landfill for 1 year after closure and then hand it over to the city for maintenance.

NV shall grant an easement to the city for its use of a portion of the landfill for wireless telecommunications and alternative energy activity, such as a wind turbine it seems. This "portion" would be in the form of a pad or platform. NV will contribute to the construction.

People have already started to complain about this, since a wind turbine has to be anchored in the ground ... which in this case might involve penetrating the membrane that caps the dump.

They get 35 more trucks per day?? (Excluding trucks carrying construction & demolition materials.) For the purpose of closing and capping the landfill.

This is only part of the agreement, but it looks like these are the more salient points.


Anonymous said...

His 35 trucks a day means 95 trucks. He's not trustworthy and has huge development plans in Everett that he's trying to jam down their throats and they are fighting him. He's counting on this.

He will never keep his word. Let it go to trial.

Anonymous said...

Something is not right. Part of your article says:

They get 35 more trucks per day?? (Excluding trucks carrying construction & demolition materials.) For the purpose of closing and capping the landfill.

Does Newburyport realize he is blaming his Wood Waste of Boston problems on Newburyport and he needs the landfill opened to truck his open piles of waste from Everett to Newburyport.


Gillian Swart said...

Thanks anonymous #1 and #2.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank the Newburypport folks for coming to the Everett Public meeting. We appreciated your input. Thank you, Newburyport.