Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today's landfill story

Here's today's landfill story, from the Daily News.

I don't believe I ever linked to my story from the Current, which was posted online earlier this week, so here it is.

I have to note that although I have no real problem with the piece, in style (and some content) it only barely resembles what I actually wrote.

For example, I pointed out right up front that although the Mayor and various other officials (including the AG) said the landfill would be capped by the end of the year, New Ventures actually has more than a year to complete the capping.

I spoke briefly with the mayor yesterday and he said the 35 trucks/day are rolling in and that every bill of lading is being examined. I questioned the number because Current editor and I had just been over over to the landfill and not one truck had arrived while we were there.

What a mess!

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