Thursday, December 11, 2008

All's quiet on the eastern front (for now)

Well, I'm back home. WOO HOO

The high tide was this morning, when the marsh was flooded - but I've seen worse. Still, I do believe there is still a storm barreling up the coast.

I drove up Northern Blvd. as far as Mad Martha's, to see if anything was afoot. All was calm, considering the wind and the rain. Pondered parking and going out onto the beach, but ... the rain.

So far in the last few weeks, the fence in the yard has blown down (again) and a window has been blown out in the shed. This is a rough environment.

Was it yesterday that it was 62 degrees? Or was that Tuesday? Whatever, it seems to be still above freezing at the moment.

Life on Plum Island: You never know what you're going to get - but when it comes, it's usually pretty dramatic. Boston was never this interesting.

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