Monday, August 9, 2010

Twenty-six minutes!

That's how long the City Council took to come to a vote on dog poop. Twenty-six minutes.

The long and short of it is that they reduced the fines to $50, $75 & $100 from whatever they had originally proposed.

And then the discussion started about the part in the ordinance that says you can't dump your doggie's dump into a public barrel.

Twenty-six minutes later they decided to drop all language about where to dump the waste - because it kinda ruins the whole tourist vibe if you're forced to take doggie doo-doo home with you when you leave our fair city - and that was that.

As Councillor Barry Connell noted, the Council only took about 4 minutes to discuss a bond order of $18,500,000 for improvements to the water processing plant.

Ah, well ... I still get to step in poop because no one is going to enforce this out here on the island.


Bob Cronin said...

The bond order was not voted on in the context of passing it. It was voted on to refer to both the Budget and Finance committee and Public Utilities. Both committees have a combined meeting on Thursday to discuss the bond.
(I'd also rather spend 26 minutes on dog poop once than having to repeat the exercise numerous times.)

Bob Cronn
Ward 3

Gillian Swart said...

Yes, the bond order was sent to committee while the other was a vote. I just thought what Barry said was amusing, and I live to amuse others ,,,

Dan Sweeney said...

I'd be intrested in just what the fines for 'dog poop' have been since 1984? Or even more recently for FY 10? Have any offenders been brought to justice? Or is this like the snow walk clearing ordinance, un enforcable?
I can imagine the cost to prove DNA in court to make the charge stick and collect the $50.00 LOL

macsurf said...

Hey Gillian, Good to see you back.

How's your mom? Any news on the cat?