Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Landfill meeting tomorrow night

The Ad Hoc Landfill Committee is meeting at 6 p.m. tomorrow (Thurs.) night in the BOH "conference room" (the big table in the small open area in the basement of City Hall).

Maybe some revelations will issue forth from the mouths of our community leaders!

By the way, I talked to DEP today and the spokesman said the investigation into the recent flare incident is still ongoing so they had no comment.

(Did you like the headline about "not enough flare" on my last story? I swiped that from the movie "Office Space" ... I don't often write the headlines; or if I do, they are not often retained. Did you know that? Reporters don't usually make up the headlines?)

I asked him about DEP's seemingly ultra-presence in our small community: the landfill, the waterfront, Plum Island, the wastewater treatment facility ... he rather glumly agreed with me that it did, indeed, seem as if they are involved in a lot here ... as someone has suggested (to me), maybe they should open an office downtown!

I did not suggest that to the DEP man. He seemed down enough. Maybe he was having a bad day. He was almost chipper yesterday, when I first made contact ... until I told him what I wanted, that is.

Mention the word "landfill" and people tend to go all glum.

But can you imagine the lines at their door, the flashing lights on the phones indicating incoming calls, the hidey-hole they'd have to install for flash exits from the scene?

Oh, I'm just messing with the DEP.

Actually, the spokesman is very pleasant, usually answers the phone (I love him just for that), always returns calls and always calls back when he says he will.

These days, that says a lot!

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