Saturday, September 19, 2009


I heard through the grapevine - we have those out here on the island - that the person who owns beachfront property and lives in Thailand is holding out on signing the easement documents for the beach nourishment project.

I think this is the 'perfect' solution for people actually here (the ones who don't want the project to go forward). No one can do anything to this person, unless they want to take a long trip.

It makes me wonder, though, why people would want to put their homes in jeopardy, just to prevent the state from traipsing over their property at will?

And the Beach Alliance meeting scheduled for next Friday has been re-scheduled to Monday Sept. 28.

Maybe Vincent Russo or Bob Connors has flown, or is about to fly, to Thailand.

Just kidding. They would send Howard Marlowe.

More kidding.

Speaking of who, I had a conversation with him a couple of weeks ago. Sounds like a very reasonable man.

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